
New Equipment Creates New Capabilities

New Equipment Creates New Capabilities

To provide our customers with the best products and services, we have recently invested in two important pieces of equipment: a rotary die cutter and a post folder gluer. “Our strong economy has encouraged companies across the area to take this opportunity and...

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Setting the Standard on Deliveries

Setting the Standard on Deliveries

When you visit our website the first thing you’ll see is our current on-time delivery rate. More than a number, our delivery rate is a promise to our customers - a promise to treat your business like our business. We know that we’re accountable to this number to meet...

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Coastal Container Adds Digital Print Capabilities

We’re excited to announce that we have partnered with Georgia Pacific’s new graphics division, Hummingbird™, to offer their digital print capabilities. This provides the highest quality of graphics available for corrugated print and delivers significant benefits to...

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Coast Guard Cardboard Boat Races

Grand Haven hosted the Cardboard Boat Races during the Coast Guard Festival for the second year in a row. The race is 200 yards long with about 20 boat entries. Coastal Container employee, Kyle Teasley, entered a boat with his nine-year-old daughter, Leilany and...

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